What are Flat Ribbon Cable Assemblies?
Like many things, flat ribbon cable assemblies get their name from their appearance. As a series of conductors or wires running parallel to one another, the effect is a flat line in a ribbon-like shape. Flat ribbon cable assemblies are rectangular-shaped which gives them added flexibility to be used in smaller places, like computers and printers. This formation resembles a strand of ribbon and thus, the name flat ribbon cable assemblies.
As opposed to a cable in which the wires are in a coiled formation and create a round cable, flat ribbon cable assemblies are, well, flat. This configuration has many practical benefits as well as transmission benefits. With multiple industries in which flat ribbon cable assemblies are utilized, they can be found in nearly every electrical device and machinery.
The unique design of flat ribbon cable assemblies allows them to be utilized in smaller devices with multiple connection points. This can be extremely useful for complex instruments that require several signals, data transfers, or sources of power. These versatile powerhouse cable assemblies are an incredible work of engineering.

Building a Custom Flat Ribbon Cable Assembly
Here at Meridian Cable, our engineering and design teams build completely customizable flat ribbon cable assemblies from the cable conductor and up. Creating these capable cable assemblies requires years of experience, quality materials, and thorough auditing of our product and process for quality assurance.
Though there are several thousand smaller steps that constitute the creation of a custom flat ribbon cable assembly, the in-house engineers of Meridian work through every process with precision and intentional attention to detail.
Some of the steps that go into creating a custom flat ribbon cable assembly include:
Applications for Flat Ribbon Cable Assemblies
Though you can find flat ribbon cable assemblies in nearly every electronic device, they are frequently used in computers because of their folding capabilities. Because the wires or conductors are laid out parallel to one another and not spiraled, they can be nearly folded in half or manipulated into waves. This enables flat ribbon cable assemblies to be utilized in all kinds of technology and machinery.
Within every computer, flat ribbon cable assemblies exist in some form or another. Within personal computers, flat ribbon cable assemblies are used to the disk drive and/or the hard drive to the motherboard. This interconnectivity is made possible by the multiple conductors that flat ribbon cable assemblies. Typically, the more complex the drive that is being connected to the motherboard, the more wires/conductors are necessary for the flat cable assembly.
One of the benefits that the design of flat ribbon cable assemblies provides in computer utilization is their ability to terminate quickly. This allows the computer operating system to end a task or program rapidly. Because of the multiple and simultaneous connections, flat ribbon cable assemblies can allow the computer processors to function with expediency when transferring commands.
Because they are so adaptable in their capabilities and design, flat ribbon cable assemblies can have several advantages for military technology. Found in everything from drone operating systems to robotic and autonomous solutions, flat ribbon cable assemblies are an essential component of modern military technology.
Just as in the medical field, flat ribbon cables in the military application need to be made to the most exacting details. With important functions, equipment, and technology, the interconnective components must be built to rigorous standards. Meridian Cable creates military-grade cable assemblies and thoroughly tests them to ensure their quality.
In the medical field, many pieces of equipment utilize flat ribbon cable assemblies for interconnectivity and processing. You may find these versatile cable assemblies on the inside of a heart monitor, ultrasound machine, or any number of other life-saving equipment.
The flat ribbon cable assemblies used in the medical arena need to be reliable and precise in their construction. Because they operate within several machines that can literally be the difference between life and death, medical flat ribbon cable assemblies must be held to the highest standard.
With industrial manufacturing being such a massive and varied field, there are nearly infinite possible utilizations for flat ribbon cable assemblies. Some industrial equipment that makes use of flat ribbon cable assemblies are industrial control boards, automated packaging machines, or cutting machines similar to what Meridian cable uses to cut its wire harnesses.
Industrial flat ribbon cable assemblies need to be made to hold up in a variety of conditions and still function properly. This requires materials that may need to come into contact with high temperatures, varying levels of moisture, industrial chemicals, and other common hazards within industrial facilities.
Because of the natural potential for harsh conditions in an industrial environment, the cable assemblies within the machinery must be built to endure. This means using quality materials that can withstand the stressors of less ideal conditions.
Find more info on the manufacturing and applications of custom flat ribbon cables on our blog.
Flat Ribbon Cable Assemblies FAQs
Let Meridian Tailor Make a Flat Ribbon Cable Solution for You
Meridian Cable has been a leader in building custom cable solutions for decades and has the skills, experience, and quality you are looking for. Our team will work directly with you to build the perfect cable solution. Contact our team to get started today.